Thursday, January 24, 2013

Results of the meeting with the Colonel of the Corps Tulsa Dist.

On 1/23/2013 board members of the Canton Lake Association (CLA) met with Colonel Michael Teague and associates including hydrologist Kelita Stephens at the District Corps of  Engineers office in Tulsa. Also in attendance was former Canton resident Earl Groves, Chief of Operations, for the Tulsa District. Earl has a very good understanding of the Canton Lake project as he served as a Park Ranger at Canton during his college years. The meeting was scheduled for only one hour but lasted much closer to two, as the conversations were two-sided and flowing smoothly with all parties being deeply engaged.
CLA members who attended the meeting were Pres. Jeff Converse, VP Curtis Hoskins, Tom Adams, Rupert Nowlin, Mark Fuqua, Troy Everett and future member Jerrod Geiger.
The CLA scheduled the meeting to express concerns regarding the proposed 30,000 acre-feet water grab by Oklahoma City which will obviously affect recreational users of the lake and the economies of business and communities that rely on lake visitation.  The Colonel was very receptive to the points made by the board members and shared his concerns for both the short and long term health of Canton Lake. He encouraged the board that they were on the right track and not to give up but to keep pushing forward with efforts to save our lake.
Among the many items that were brought to the table by the CLA included:
The frustration and challenges felt by the Canton Lake community that began with the spring tornado in 2011 and were exacerbated by water releases in May-June and Oct-Nov 2011 and persistent drought throughout 2012.
The fact that Oklahoma City has not acted as good stewards of the water they have received in the past and have been negligent, perhaps irresponsible, in properly planning for the longer-term water demands for an ever-growing population in the metro area.
The fact that Lake Hefner, the sole water source for northwest Oklahoma City contains close to 40,000 acre-feet of water which could possibly provide enough water to the city for a few months to get us into spring. We would hope spring rains could refill Hefner and Overholser. This could prevent them needing to draw water from Canton at this time and in the near future.
There is approximately 51,000 acre-feet in Canton now, or that is assumed anyway based on the math without factoring sediment. The variable in the equation is the sediment that has silted into the lake and is taking up space at the bottom of the inactive pool level. Since no sedimentation study has been done since 1977, it’s hard to know exactly what the condition of that situation is. One estimate was that instead of the 111,000 acre feet that the lake was built to store, it may only be able to hold around 90,000 acre feet now due to sediment. A sedimentation study is scheduled to be done on Canton Lake at a later date.
Environmental issues including a possible blue-green algal bloom and fish kill following the proposed water release.
Possible involvement and effects upon federally endangered species such as the Bald Eagle, Interior Least Tern and Arkansas River Shiner.
Decreased revenue to the Corps from reduced usage fees from unusable boat ramps and less visitation to campgrounds.
Economic effects of reduced to non-existent lake visitation on local businesses and the people they employee.
From Bald Eagle habitat to the loss of all fish in the lake, there wasn't anything left unsaid and almost every point was discussed thoroughly by both parties.
There was much discussion about how OKC has not done due diligence on educating their populous on water conservation or mandating rationing of the water they have already taken from Canton Lake. Also discussed was the fact that the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust (OCWUT)  just  keeps  adding more communities to their water supply and  providing more and more water for additional houses in surrounding towns.  
The Colonel stated concerns over budgeting issues within the Corps and the lack of funds to complete needed projects. He also encouraged the CLA to continue their efforts in engaging State and Federal Representatives and Senators to fight on behalf of the people and the long term health of Canton Lake and it’s surrounding economies.
The Colonel and his team also expressed the facts of how hard it is for changes to be made in a single contract due to the “no earmarking” legislation in place at this time. Contracts such as the one concerning Canton Lake between the Corps and the OCWUT, which currently provides 90,000 acre feet of water storage for municipal water supply for the residents of the NW part of OKC would be hard to change individually. It would almost require legislative wording that would or could affect all lakes storing water for municipal use.
It was a very informative meeting that helped the board members of the CLA better understand the Corps role in storing water in their lakes for many different uses, and their balancing act of making the best use of that water for all involved in it’s intended use. The board now has a better understanding of what the Corp can and cannot do according to its’ contractual obligations, and or what the different catalysts would need to be for them to be able to suspend a requested water withdraw. The Colonel stated that he cannot single handedly stop a release once it’s called for by the organization which holds the storage rights. He said he and the Corp would not want to encourage a lawsuit from the OCWUT.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the CLA asked if the Colonel would contact the Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust on our behalf, and express that he felt it was in the best interest of Canton Lake and everyone involved for OKC to not draw water at this time, but to try and utilize the water in Lake Hefner first. He said he would be happy to do that and would be making that contact very soon. The board members of the CLA were excited to hear this as it just may buy us more time in this battle to save Canton Lake.

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